There's nothing like a civilised coffee with a the girls before a troop around the shops - I have two friends from Hereford for the week so I've been running round like a headless chicken trying to sort everything out and getting plenty of early nights to ensure I'm fit as a fiddle! (Theme of the day: Paramore, Misguided Ghosts)
Wow- where has the week gone? Can't believe I'm already at the train station picking up by two bestest buddies who have come down from Hereford for the week! We have sooo much planned, I just hope it all goes well because there seems to be a lot of accidental pressure for this to be an AMAZING half term- probably most of it created by me to be fair hahaha! (Theme of the day: Paolo Nutini, 10/10)
What's better after a long, stressful journey (on my visitors behalf) and a week of planning to perfection (on my behalf) than a lovely coffee in Costa with a few mutual friends? Just to start off the week and ease ourselves into the madness!
It's so lovely them being here and it's going to be a GREAT week! (Theme of the day: Olly Murs, Thinking of Me)
Today is a major social day! All of our friends have got together in town and we've sat in a local coffee shop for two hours having a big catch up and finalising important Saturday night plans (all will become clear)! After being kicked out of the coffee shop for staying too long after finishing our coffee's we head down to costa as it's started raining, which is dreadful for a day when we're suppose to be wondering round the shops and local places to go. We make a day of it anyhow, stopping off in New Look very quickly (mainly because the boys started moaning) for a peek around for ideas for Saturday night outfits! (Theme of the day: Vampire Weekend, Holiday)
Today should really be written off as a wasted day in our busy schedule- my male visitor, Kieran, must of been in hell as all we (my other visitor and closest friend, Jess and I) decided to sit around all day, gossip, sleep and do the occassional beauty regime that kept us looking beautiful! We have a busy next few days planned before they leave so we don't want to be turning up looking like nackered old tramps when we're suppose to be babes or whatever else haha!
To make up for our boring day we (Jess and I, as she has visited before) took Kieran down to a little beach of beauty called Cot Valley- a lovely walk with astounding views! But because it was so dark when we got down there and truly awful weather, there was nothing to be seen!! Must return on another day when we're not too busy and find him a rock to take home (it's a tradition for those who stay at my house from elsewhere in England as the rocks at Cot Valley look like dinosour eggs!)
Kieran and Jess! |
Kieran, Myself and Jess! |
(Theme of the day: Nickleback, Photograph)
Today required a good old fashioned "shop-a-thon". We took the train to Plymouth and managed to shop non-stop (well, a half hour coffee and lunch break) from 11:00am - 5:30pm! The funniest thing was, I truly think Kieran bought more clothes over all than Jess and I put together!! An astonishing achievement for mere male kind! It was a great day over all, although unfortunatly missed out on going to Plymouth Hoe and the other shops outside Drake Circus as we were so engrosed in the manic need to find bargin outfits! (Theme of the day: Kings of Leon, Notion)
Since Jess and Kieran are enevitably, tourists; we thought we'd have a tourist day and take them both to the Eden Project to have a look around and go ice skating. We had a great day and the rain deffinatly didnt stop us having fun!
Don't worry Kieran, that is just Lipstick round Jess's mouth I'm sure- Not blood! |
Lush weather today! It's so nice that the sun is finally coming out! It'dstaken long enough! We all went down Cot Valley (the closest beach to where I live) with a tag along or two in the form of my sister and her dog! Took some great photo's while Jess and my sister did girly paddling/getting apsolutly soaked! While Kieran went manly rock climbing- and nearly got stuck! Failure! But such fun all the same! One must keep pinching one's self to make sure this isn't all a dream because it has truly been the most amazing week and I'm truly gutted that Kieran and Jess are going back to their homeland, Herefordshire TOMORROW!
The night really topped it all off, put the cherry on the cake, the icing on the bun, the..... Oh, I'm feeling a bit peckish now! Any how, it was amazing! St Ives in Cornwall has just recently opened up a youth centre for teenagers and various events called the Island Cantre; and tonight it held the second Island Centre Gig! Local bands from around the Mounts Bay area perform sets over the night while the rest of us rave- rather basic, but you know what they say about fun.... It's created from the simplest idea!
We (Kieran, Jess and I) caught the train up with several others and from then on, went rather wild. As all gigs do, The Island Centre Gig took a while to get going, but once The Payne Killers (The lead singer being a friend of mine) started their set, everyone got up and started dancing!
Gary and the Minefield, however, caused utter mayhem! I have mentioned them before in an ealier post but this set was something else on earth!
Unfortunatly we missed Shade of Red (who I have also mentioned before) because we had to catch the train! Such a shame as I heard from my friends who stayed behind that they were amazing (and even had a stage dive rom the guitarist, Elliot)!! But lets not dwell on the negative; the positive is that it was an amazing night and 100% the perfect way to top off the whole week. We (meaning the whole group of us) had fun with no boundries and it really was one of those nights I will hold closely forever.
This idea of this half term was to start off the Summer. Okay, so it's still raining and not even Spring yet, but what with this year containing exams so lots of staying inside, we need to start early!! From now I have so much to look forward to in the next coming weeks and months which I will ofcourse blog about!
Lovinglife <3