Monday 16 January 2012

Dedicated to Lucinda Diamond - More than a Moustache.

Life coach.
Forever the insane beauty.
Lucinda, born 27 October, 1994, is nothing short of an amazing human being. In the 5 years we've been friends and the 6 years I've know her, Lucinda has never bowed down the rules of a mainstream childhood, nor ever acted anything less than a intelligent minded adult. But to say that reflects her personality would be wrong, because first and foremost, Lucinda is a joy.

Lucinda's quirky fashion and wacky frame of mind is everything her friends and I love about her and I dedicate this entire post to her influence. Currently wearing a blue spotted dress and black boots with her velvet black blazer, I realise I haven't complimented her today, so her it is, online for the world to see!

Witnessing her drama performance brought a side to Lucinda I'd never been privileged enough to witness in the past: her amazing talent for acting and ability to scare me half to death as a gorilla.

I've chosen to ignore anything negative Lucinda perceives of her recent life because I believe it's her positivity that drives her. Her most recent advise given to me is to live for yourself. If someone is bringing you down, they're not healthy to have around- advise I plan to put into action asap!

Assuring you this is a post to express my love for Lucinda in the least lesbian way possible and warning anyone out there who should meet her in the future not to take for granted such an amazing, wacky person.

Friend. Life coach. Forever an insane beauty.
Lucinda Diamond (as written by Hope Smyth)
Peace out. ♥

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